
News & Events

The 2013 annual meeting of China Chengxin Group was Successfully Held in Beijing from 22 to 23 January 2013

The 2013 annual meeting of the China Chengxin Group was held at Beijing International Hotel from 22 to 23 January 2013. The management at all levels: head office, subsidiaries and branches all attended the meeting. The Group enjoyed a year of record profits and overall excellent performance in 2012.

Keeping up its fine tradition, the Group held a seminar on economic and financial topics in the afternoon on the first day of the annual meeting. Professor Liu Yuanchun (刘元春教授), head of the Faculty of Economics, Renmin University of China, and Professor Cao Yuanzheng (曹远征教授), chief economist of the Bank of China, were invited to give talks on China’s macroeconomic trends and financial issues. Over 300 people of China Chengxin Group attended the seminar.