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CCX Seminar "Chinese Enterprises Offshore Financing and HK Bond Market" --Chinese Real Estate Companies Credit Outlook

Chinese Enterprises Offshore Financing and HK Bond Market --

Chinese Real Estate Companies Credit Outlook

24th May 2017        Grand Ballroom · Grand Hyatt Hong Kong


Organized by China Chengxin Credit Rating Group, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the Seminar on “Chinese Enterprises Offshore Financing and HK Bond Market” which will be held at 2:00pm on 24th May 2017 at The Grand Ballroom of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. The industry research report of Chinese Real Estate Companies Credit Analysis and Outlook will be released on the seminar.

As an important offshore market, Hong Kong has been the major offshore financing channel for Chinese companies. Chinese real estate companies are the pioneer to enter the global capital market and occupy an important position in Hong Kong’s capital market. In recent years, there are many differentiations in points and views of investors’ judgement towards the credit assessment of Chinese real estate corporations and it is important to review and analyze their credit risks. As an international platform for China Chengxin Credit Rating Group, China Chengxin (Asia Pacific) Credit Ratings Company Limited ("CCXAP") is committed to provide objective and independent credit assessments on corporations for investors from international capital market.

The seminar will bring together c-level executives from real estate corporations and large financial institutions to deliver speeches and share viewpoints on the latest development of Chinese real estate companies.

Complimentary seats are strictly limited and are on first come first served basis. Please confirm your place by email to info@ccxap.com for confirmation. 

(Please see the attached programme).
