
Rating Results

Corporate Ratings

Issuer Category
Structure Finance
Action Date Issuer / Entity / Sovereign Action Long-Term Ratings Short-Term Ratings Outlook Document Type View
2022.8.31 Shandong Commercial Group Co. Ltd. Assigned BBBg- N.A. Stable Credit Opinion
2022.8.30 Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Investment Development Co., Ltd Assigned BBBg- N.A. Stable Credit Opinion
2022.8.19 Chuzhou Economic and Technological Development General Corporation Assigned BBBg- N.A. Stable Credit Opinion
2022.8.17 Zhenjiang Transportation Industry Group Co., Ltd. Assigned BBBg N.A. Stable Credit Opinion
2022.8.4 Guangdong Shunde Holding Group Co., Ltd. Assigned Ag- N.A. Stable Credit Opinion
2022.7.29 Zhaoqing Gaoyao Jiantou Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd. Affirmed BBBg- N.A. Stable Rating Action
2022.7.29 Zhaoqing Gaoyao District State-Owned Assets Operation Co., Ltd. Affirmed BBBg- N.A. Stable Rating Action
2022.7.29 Yixing City Construction Culture Tourism Group Co Ltd Affirmed BBBg N.A. Stable Rating Action
2022.7.29 Yangzhou Longchuan Holding Group Co., Ltd Affirmed BBBg- N.A. Stable Rating Action
2022.7.29 Yangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Development (Group) Co. Ltd. Affirmed BBBg+ N.A. Stable Rating Action