
Researches & Commentaries

Bond Issuance Remains Relatively Stable Amid the Continued Financing Divergence and Risks Get Mitigated as Scheduled with Trends Difficult to See

Hong Kong, 5 August 2021 -- China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. (“CCXI”) issued a report entitled Bond Issuance Remains Relatively Stable Amid the Continued Financing Divergence and Risks Get Mitigated as Scheduled with Trends Difficult to See: 2021 H1 Review and Outlook for the Next Stage of Debenture Market, According to the report, it is less likely that unexpected changes will happen to the policy fundamentals and fund supply in the second half of 2021. As risks are mitigated in an orderly manner under the guidance of policies, it is predicted that trends in the bond market are hard to spot.


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