
News & Events

News & Events

Special Report on the Default Normalization and Exit Mechanism in China's Bond Market was issued. Please refer to the full report "Default Normalization and Exit Mechanism in China’s Bond Market (September2014)"
Special Report on the Credit Risk in China's Bond Market was issued. Please refer to the full report "Credit Risk in China's Bond Market (August2014)" at the Research & Commentary.
China Chengxin International awarded as Best Green Credit Rating Agency
China Chengxin Group celebrating its 25th Anniversary
China Chengxin International Ranks the Top Among Six Chinese Credit Rating Agencies
Our Managing Director, Mr. Philip LI, expressed his views on Chinese domestic debt market in inside Fixed Income and Currency (FIC) Monthly Newsletter - Issue No.8, published by HKEx
Interview with Dr. MAO Zhenhua, Founder of China Chengxin Credit Rating Group and Co-Director of Renmin University’s Institute of Economic Research, on his views on national policies and industries (Part 3) 
Interview with Dr. MAO Zhenhua, Founder of China Chengxin Credit Rating Group and Co-Director of Renmin University's Institute of Economic Research, on his views on national policies and industries (Part 2) 
Interview with Dr. MAO Zhenhua, Founder of China Chengxin Credit Rating Group and Co-Director of Renmin University's Institute of Economic Research, on his views on national policies and industries (Part 1)