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Moody’s and CCXI 2020 China Credit Outlook Conference was successfully held in Beijing

The Moody’s & CCXI 2020 China Credit Outlook Conference co-organized by China Chengxin International Credit Rating Company Limited (“CCXI”) and Moody's Investors Service (“Moody's”) was successfully held on 4 December 2019 at Shangri-La China World Summit Wing Beijing.


The main theme of the Conference is “Credit Trends amid Slower Growth, Trade Tensions and Financial Stress”. More than 500 delegates from well-known corporations, domestic and international investors, bankers, underwriters, issuers, professional research institutions, financial firms and media were gathered together to discuss about the adjustments of Chinese economic policies, Asia’s vulnerability to the slowdown in the global economy, as well as different topics regarding credit issues under multi-challenges.

Host of morning session - Hao SHI, Managing Director and Country Manager for China of Moody’s


Opening Remarks by Min YE, Managing Director and Head of International of Moody’s


Opening Speech by Yan YAN, Chairman and President of CCXI


Mr. Yan stated that Chinese economy has been facing continuous downward pressure since 2019. The economic growth is expected to develop within the expected target, but the GDP growth rate may slow down from 2020 due to internal and external economic challenges, and the Chinese credit market will face multi-challenges in short period of time.

Keynote Speech by Zhenhua MAO, Founder & President of CCX, Co-Dean of Institute of Economic Research of Renmin University of China


Mr. Mao shared his opinion regarding the current economic situation and suggestions for entire economic environment. With the combination of various local and international trending factors, the economic growth rate will further decline in 2020. However, Mr. Mao emphasized that economic operation will still have a certain degree of resilience not necessary to be overly pessimistic about the economic growth in 2020.

Fireside chat: (from left to right) Lillian LI, Vice President - Senior Credit Officer, Credit Strategy and Standards of Moody’s and Martin PETCH, Vice President - Senior Credit Officer, Sovereign Risk Group of Moody's


Credit panel: (from left to right) Ivan CHUNG, Associate Managing Director, Head of Greater China Credit and Research Analysis of Moody’s, Lingqiang KONG, Executive Vice President of CCXI, Grace WANG, Managing Director/Corporation Rating Director of CCXI, Ma LI, Managing Director, Corporate Finance Group of Moody’s, Martin PETCH, Vice President - Senior Credit Officer, Sovereign Risk Group of Moody's


The speakers discussed how the issuer’s credit status may affected under the environment of growth, trading and financial market with uncertainty.

Sub-forum - Banks: (from left to right) Joanne BAI, Rating Director, Financial Institution Banking/General Manager, Financial Institution Rating Dept., Division 1 of CCXI, Nicholas ZHU, Vice President - Senior Credit Officer, Financial Institutions Group of Moody's, Yan Li, Assistant Vice President, Financial Institutions Group of Moody's


The speakers discussed topics about the observation trends of banking business development and the credit analysis of regional banks.

Sub-forum – Property: (from left to right) Tianxuan GONG, Managing Director of CCXR, Kaven TSANG, Senior Vice President of Moody’s


The speakers discussed the impacts of trade disputes and the economic slowdown on real estate policies, the outlook of real estate demand in 2020 and the liquidity situation of developers.

Sub-forum – Corporate financing: (from left to right) Ivy POON, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Project and Infrastructure Finance Group of Moody’s, Nino SIU, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Greater China Credit Research and Analysis of Moody’s, Yang LIU, Corporation Rating Director/General Manager, Corporation Finance Rating Dept., Group 1 of CCXI, Aodi YANG, Associate General Manager, Corporate Finance Rating Dept., Division 2 of CCXI


The speakers discussed the risk and opportunities under corporate credit differentiation.

Sub-forum – Non-Banks: (from left to right) David YIN, Vice President - Senior Analyst of Moody’s, Tianyu XUE, Rating Director, Financial Institution Non-Banking/General Manager, Financial Institution Rating Dept., Group 2 of CCXI


The speakers discussed the opportunities and challenges under weak macro and strict supervision for non-banks financial institutions.

Sub-forum – Asset-backed securities: (from left to right) Jerome CHENG, Associate Managing Director, Structured Finance Group of Moody’s, Xiwu FAN, Managing Director of GSUM Fund Management, Gracie ZHOU, Vice President – Senior Analyst, Structured Finance Group of Moody’s, David DENG, Managing Director of CCXR, Ye TIAN, Senior Analyst - Project Manager, Structured Finance Dept. of CCXI


The speakers discussed the outlook for the performance of major assets.

Sub-forum – LGFV: (from left to right) Xiulei Lv, Rating Director, Governmental Public -General Manager, Government Finance Rating Dept. of CCXI, Amanda DU, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Public, Project and Infrastructure Finance Group of Moody’s, Zheli GAO, Assistant Director, Governmental and Public Finance Rating Dept. of CCXI, Sue SU, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Corporate Finance Group of Moody’s


The speakers discussed the transformation of LGFV under stable growth target.


The professional sharing from CCXI, Moody’s and external experts received enthusiastic responses from the participants and made a great success to the Conference.