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CCXGF Selected as ICMA’s GBP/SBP Advisory Council Member

Recently, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) announced the list of members for the 2021/2022 Green Bond Principles (GBP), Social Bond Principles (SBP) Advisory Council. China Chengxin Green Finance Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd (CCXGF) has been selected to be one of the members of the council.



In January 2014, the ICMA announced the Green Bond Principle, which quickly became one of the mainstream standards applying on green bonds in the global market. The purpose of the principle is to ensure the green bonds in the market are supporting projects with eco-friendly component, and to improve the transparency of the green bond market to the public. In June 2017, ICMA published the Social Bond Principle. There are currently 195 member institutions and 219 observer institutions in ICMA, which cover 66 countries and regions globally. The advisory council was established in 2019, whose role is to advise the executive committee on increasing market awareness, and to enable further engagement with specific membership categories and observers.



The 2021/2022 Advisory Council is selected from the applications of around 80 member institutions and observer institutions. 40 of them would be selected based on the criteria including geographic diversity, institution type, market share and professional capability.


CCXGF has been analyzing the Chinese green bond market in depth since 2016. As the national leading green financing service provider, CCXGF published the first methodology on examining green bonds in China, which has been wildly used on multiple benchmark significance projects. CCXGF also constantly cooperates with international institutions on market researches. In the following 1-year term period, CCXGF will be actively participating in the council, contributing professional advise as a local third-party, and enhancing the communication and development of Chinese green and sustainable bonds in the global market.