
News & Events

China Chengxin Group celebrating its 25th Anniversary

14-18 March 2017

China Chengxin Group ("CCX Group") celebrated its 25th anniversary at the ski resort Sun Mountain in Yabuli, Heilongjiang, China in 14-18 March. Over 700 staff participated in the celebration activities.

Mr. Yan Yan, chairman of the board of China Chengxin International Credit Rating (CCXI) gave his opening remark, followed by the CCX Group by broadcasting a warm video delivering the blessings from a number of young staff of 25 years old.

Dr. Mao Zhenhua, founder of CCX Group, gave his keynote speech at the Awarding Ceremony for Outstanding Staff which was the highlight of the celebration activities. Dr. Mao reminded all staff to keep in mind, the motto, "Never forget your original mission and always maintain a young mind”. In the past 25 years, CCX Group faced had a lot challenges and overcome many difficulties to achieve its current top position on the credit rating league table.

In the session “Ponder Development”, staff of departments expressed their views of development on their responsible areas.

The celebration also included activities of skiing and speech contest and was ended with the ski competitions.