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Mr. Philip Li spoke at the 4th RMB FIC Conference 2017 organized by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 8 June 2017

 June 8, 2017


Mr. Philip Li spoke at the 4th RMB FIC Conference 2017 organized by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 8 June 2017


Mr. Philip LI, Chairman of China Chengxin (Asia Pacific) Credit Ratings, spoke by invitation at the 4th RMB Fixed Income and Currency Conference 2017 organised by Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the grand ballroom of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on 8th June 2017.


The welcoming speech was given by the Mr. Charles Li, the Chief Executive of HKEx. Mr. Shusong Ba, the Chief China Economist of HKEx presented a keynote speech as well.


Mr. Philip Li was invited to speak as panelist on the panel discussion “Deepening of the China Bond Market – Growth of Fixed Income and Credit Derivatives”. Various topics including the opening of China bond market, attractions to foreign investors, improvement of regulatory system, issue products and development of derivatives were covered.


Before the end of the panel discussion, Mr. Li expressed his sincere wish that RMB could truly become the international currency under the effort of international of RMB from different parties.